Weight management can be a struggle whether you are trying to gain or lose weight. Being overweight can prevent you from having an active and healthy lifestyle and can lead to a number of health issues as you age.
Whatever path you may take to change your weight, and whatever dietary approach you may be thinking about, there are some common denominators that will always be an important part of any program to master. Meal timing, food quality and whole unprocessed foods are the cornerstone of a healthy, immune boosting, anti-aging, weight optimizing program. Developing a better relationship with yourself around foods and learning to better plan what you eat are key to long term success. Most Americans get minimal to no nutrition education from their schooling. It is easy to be overwhelmed when learning how much there is to know about nutrition and then apply it to their situation. Alix can work closely with you to create an individualized program that addresses your unique needs. Working with an experienced registered dietitian such as Alix will prove to be extremely helpful for your long-term success. You won’t be learning about a diet; you will be learning how to master the skills of good nutrition and prepare healthy foods to nourish you and your families for a lifetime.
Resolve the common symptoms and health issues associated with being overweight:
- Fatigue
- Lack of energy
- Joint Pain
- Water Retention
- Insulin Resistance
- Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar) progressing to Diabetes
- High cholesterol and triglycerides
- High Blood Pressure
- Gastrointestinal disorders- constipation, irregular stools, indigestion
- Poor body perception
- Low confidence in the kitchen on how to make healthy foods taste good